Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Here’s How A To Do App Will Work On The Apple Watch

Todoist Apple Watch App Demo

Apple’s first wearable arrives in April, but developers are already being told to have software ready to ship by February. Apple probably wants plenty of time to make sure things works smoothly on its brand new hardware, especially given that developers have mostly had to depend on software simulators of the Apple Watch to see how their software works in practice before now.

Todoist is one team building for the Apple Watch, and they’ve delivered a nearly ready-to-ship version of their Apple Watch app already. You can see the video above showing how it will work, and the stills that follow give you a freeze-frame look at each part of the app as it should appear in the final version.









This shows what many have already commented on while developing for the Apple Watch: The apps themselves aren’t going to be very complicated or feature-heavy. Instead, they’ll focus on conveying the most, and most relevant information possible given the limited screen real estate, and for a to-do app, it makes sense that those limits would result in a lot of nested lists.

Here’s How A To Do App Will Work On The Apple Watch

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